More about Us

Boston Bridge

With regard to making decisions about goals, operations and activities, the Boston Bridge Runners group strives to maintain an inclusive decisional process where all active members can participate. Boston Bridge Runners Administrators (Admins) are in charge of assuring that all active members (i.e., individuals participating on a regular basis to the Group’s activities) are heard. This group won’t allow a single person to make arbitrary decisions affecting the Group’s operations without consulting nor listening to active Run Club members.

Be kind and courteous

We’re all in this together to create a Welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

No hate speech or bullying

Boston Bridge Runners is an inclusive group. Different perspectives and points of view are always accepted. Please, be respectful, tolerant, and make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.

No promotions or spam

Give more than you take in this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.

Respect everyone’s privacy

Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.

Assumption of Risk (summary)

Running and/or participating in any of the activities associated with Boston Bridge Runners is potentially hazardous and could be cause of injury or even death. Before engaging in any activity associated with Boston Bridge Runners, members agree to certify by signature that they are medically able to perform such activities and that they are in good health and properly trained. Additionally, members ASSUME ALL RISKS associated with being a member of Boston Bridge Runners.

Content Moderation

Users are responsible for any activity originating from their accounts and/or IP addresses, including but not limited to messages and files posted on this website (or any digital platform or social media site associated with Boston Bridge Runners), or shared with other users/web site visitors. Users acknowledge the right of Boston Bridge Runners Admins to arbitrarily accept, reject, remove, edit, report any content at any time and as they see fit. Likewise, users acknowledge the right of Admins to arbitrarily accept, remove, temporarily or permanently ban users from this website (or any digital platform or social media site associated with Boston Bridge Runners) at any time and as they see fit.

Content and Information Usage

All content and information available on any web page or any other digital resource associated with Boston Bridge Runners is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the Admins and/or the owners of the Group be liable for any claim, damages or other liability arising from the use of any information or content found on any web page or resource associated with Boston Bridge Runners.

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